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DAY: 52

Federal Judge Blocks Trump's Revised Travel Ban

A federal judge in Hawaii blocked enforcement of Trump's revised executive order on entry into the United States on Wednesday, just hours before it was to have taken effect.

The ruling, granting a request for a temporary restraining order by the state of Hawaii and Ismail Elshikh, stalls the president's second attempt to suspend admission of nearly all refugees for 120 days and to restrict visas for nationals from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days.

In order to keep this site unbiased, We have placed a link to each major news site and their list of President Trump's first 100 days.

DAY: 54

Details From Trump Tax Returns Released

The White House confirmed Trump paid $38 million in federal income tax on more than $150 million in income for 2005 after MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show" said it would release the details.

"We will once more have a government of, by and for the people.” - Donald J Trump

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