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Trouble in Sweden

Tensions rise in Sweden as the "fake" flames get hotter. As you know, President Trump has gone under attack for any and everything under the sun. From false accusations of being a racist, to the unwarranted claims that he is against the progression of the lgbtq community. However, the most recent issue is "SWEDEN". Mr. Trump has caught flack for his statements on Saturday, 18 FEB.."You look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden! Who would believe this?" Direct quotes from President himself.

Of course he is referring to the expose' from Ami Horowitz, That aired on Fox News with Tucker Carlson. His Expose' goes into detail about how Sweden is having an issue with there immigration. Referencing numbers from the BRA stating that from 2006-2015 murders and rape have increased up to 70% (all numbers are relative to population growth). That being said he referenced the facts, Sweden has a population of roughly 10 million, and recently they have allowed over 100 thousand immigrants into there country. Now, some people will argue that its only a 1% population growth, but how could you possibly

employ these refugees?

Unemployed, the immigrants are now left to there own devices, raining crime down on the most peaceful country in Scandinavia. He continues to argue that not only is the Swedish government covering up these crimes, but other news outlets are slandering him in his findings. Where does that leave us? On the edge of our seats!!! As tensions rise between the outraged left, they jump on this issue like a bitch in heat only to be corrected yet again.As the DNC slams Mr.. Trump claiming there are no issues with the refugee's in Sweden etc...ultimately He was proven right and CNN, MSNB and the entire left has attacked an issue with zero facts, using there media platform to not only attack our president, but to poison the minds of millions of Americans. Fast forward to Monday, 20 FEB.. What is going on in Sweden??? RIOTS!!!! Not Riots due to Mr.. Trumps statements, but riots in immigrant neighborhoods mostly populated by refugees.

Watch the video here.

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