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Planned Parenthood

With new legislation on the floor, Washington pulls no punches in regards to abortion and the legality in funding. According to law, it is illegal at best for the government to fund abortions in any instance. However, since money becomes fluid and flows where it needs to go, we have no evidence that businesses like Planned Parenthood do not use government funding to complete the procedure.

Planned Parent hood, being the nations top provider of the controversial procedure at over 300,000 a year. Has no problem defending the fact that they provide a large list of procedures for under privileged communities. DC is in the works to continue the funding of Planned Parenthood with the exception that it would be required to stop providing abortions.

Planned Parent hood stands firm in its fight against removing such a crucial procedure from its repertoire, even though it only stands at about three percent of the procedures completed. The argument stands, that if Planned Parenthood is such an important facility sans abortion, why is the issue so stout when regarding abortion.

No one at RDN argues the legal aspects of abortion in America. However, the argument still stands. Why continue to offer the procedure if it only reflects about three percent of your yearly procedures?

Planned Parenthood accounts for roughly 30% of all abortions in America, so we can see from the numbers that it is a practice widely used in our country. At 320,000 abortions provided annually only being 30% of abortions happening in our country, we can see that plenty of other companies offer the procedure. However, the other companies do not offer (at a comparable rate) the other beneficial procedures.

In a moral stand point, why wouldn't Planned Parenthood take the loss so that they could continue to perform the other necessary procedures? The answer is simple. They do not truly care about the American people, and the evidence points to the fact that they without a doubt are using the government funding to perform abortions.

If the argument or evidence points to the contrary, then why not continue to help people in a higher rate with no controversial funding from the government? Why cant Planned Parenthood, run a subsidiary that offers the procedures, so that the parent company can continue to save and help the American people?

Questions that we at RDN, strive to find answers to.

Again, we have no argument to the legality of abortions in America. Nor, do we have an argument towards the vitally important practices offered at Planned Parenthood. We only have an argument towards the issue of continuing services for the Americans that need it most.

In conclusion, over a million abortions are completed annually. Planned Parenthood being responsible for 30% (320,000) of those. statistically they are a powerhouse in the practice even though it only relates to 3% of the practices completed yearly.These numbers do not include required appointments before and after the procedures, but we leave that for another day.

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